Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Locker Fairy

It is that time of year again...time for me to dust off my Locker Fairy wings and attend Back-to-School Nights.  If your kids go to school with my daughters you will not find me listening to the boring speeches in the auditorium as the administrators kick-off our visits to the classrooms.  I will be breaking into my children's lockers and leaving loving notes of how proud I am of their accomplishments each with a special treat.

Establishing traditions for children is very important and just about every family has them...presents under the Christmas tree, prayers on Friday night over the challah bread, an annual vacation to the beach.  They don't need to be big spectacular events and for me the more bizarre the better - pizza on Christmas Eve, wearing the same underwear for the entire NY Giants football season, ice skating backwards in Rockerfeller Center.  I have worked hard over the years to establish traditions and one of my favorites is the Locker Fairy.  

When did this start?  When my oldest daughter started Kindergarten I was bored to tears during the speeches at Back To School night.  And I decided to write my daughter a note and leave it for her in her cubby.  It told her how proud I was of her, how much I enjoyed her classroom, and how I thought her teacher was really nice.  She brought the note home and reminded me she couldn't read all of the words. As I read the note to her I saw how much it meant to her.   So the next year when she was in first grade I made sure to bring a note and this year include....pencils!  Wow - two new pencils and a note.  The pencils were not exciting so I kicked up my game and started leaving candy in her desk with my notes...which eventually turned into the locker.  As her sisters followed in her academic footsteps they too were surprised by the notes and treats.

Now, when I ask them for their locker numbers and combinations they happily comply.  Some years they have made requests "can the locker fairy bring me a new pair of shoes?  A ipod?"  No girls, the real gift of the locker fairy is the note I get to write you where, with the written word I take a moment to remind you how proud I am of you, your accomplishments, and how awesome my life is because I have you in it.  I know deep down you appreciate my words even if you whiz past the piece of paper to get to your treat.

Now, over the years the Locker Fairy has developed quite a list of haters.  Inevitably as my daughters open their locker on Locker Fairy Morning (aka:  the morning after Back to School Night), they are into the drudgery of school  surrounded by their friends and get very excited when they see their note and gift waiting for them.  I have been told by other parents, sometimes in a not-so-joking way, that it is unfair the locker fairy only visits my children.  I whole heartedly get your own locker fairy wings, stop by the drug store for a pack of gum, and join the fun!  I consider imitation to be the best form of flattery!  Write your children a note...tell them how special they are and all that they mean to you.  Please!!!

What did you just say?  I shouldn't leave the treat of candy in the locker?  There is a no sugar rule here in our NJ public schools?  I have no idea what you are talking about.  

The end!  

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